Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child have to attend for a full week?
No. Our booking form allows parents to book as many dates as you require and these can vary from week to week.
When will I know my booking has been accepted?
A confirmation email will be sent if the booking form has been submitted correctly. Once received, bookings will be added to the database and a confirmation letter and invoice sent by post within a week.
If your chosen dates are unavailable a member of the Action Pak Team will contact you to discuss alternative dates/availability.
How will I know that my child will be doing each day?
Timetables for your child’s group will be sent via email one week before the play scheme begins along with our Policies and Procedures booklet.
What should my child bring each day?
Your child requires:
- A packed lunch each day (please pack suitable products to remain cool as Acorns have no storage or chilling facilities on site)
- Swimming costume and towel (when timetables show)
- Appropriate clothing for activities (according to timetable)
- Change of clothing for younger children
- Suitable footwear for activities (no Crocs or Flip Flops)
- Appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (waterproof coat/sun hat)
Please ensure that your child does not bring any electronic devices including mobile phones to Action Pak as they are a safeguarding risk and Acorns cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss to these items.
Does my child need money?
Small amounts of money can be provided for Trip Days to enable your child to visit the gift shop.
What happens at lunchtime?
Groups are allocated a dining area, with the younger age groups seated at tables and chairs. Staff remain with their groups and sit with the children to assist in opening lunchboxes, encouraging them to eat their food and interact socially. Water is available throughout the day and offered to children after activities.
Do I need to bring sun cream for my child?
Action Pak provide sun cream which is applied regularly throughout the day. If your child has an allergy or you have a preference for a particular brand please ensure that this is given to a member of staff and is clearly labelled with your child’s name and age group.
What happens if my child cannot swim?
Swimming activities will be for the 8-9 age group and above. All children can participate regardless of their swimming ability as flotation devices and armbands are available. The timetables ensure that each age group will be allocated specific times for swimming and a limited number of children will be in the pool during each session. A gate separates the deep end of the pool and all non swimmer will be restricted to using the shallow end. For younger children several members of their staff will be in the water with them whilst others remain on the poolside at all times.
A qualified and experienced lifeguard is employed to supervise each session.